Action International Ministries (ACTION) is a global mission agency committed to sending multinational workers who treasure Jesus Christ and minister His Gospel in word and deed, primarily to the poor.
Our Mission
As an interdenominational Christian mission, ACTION commits itself to the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). ACTION cooperates with churches and other Christian organizations to present Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (evangelism); assists Christians in their submission to Christ and their growth in His Body (discipleship and church strengthening); ministers in the name of Christ to the whole person, especially the poor, as in Matthew 25:31-46 (development and sustainability); and mobilizes missionaries in countries where ACTION serves (missions multiplication).
Rescue centers/homes
Camps for the underprivileged
Evangelistic feeding programs
Prison ministry
International student outreach
Community evangelism, especially among the poor
Bible distribution
Film evangelism
Printing and distribution of tracts
Pastoral Leadership Development (PLD)
Bible teaching
Discipleship training
Residential children’s homes
Marriage retreats
Conferences for pastors and ministry leaders
Vocational training
Follow-up camps
ACTION kids clubs
Church-planting among the poor

Vocational/discipleship training school
Business As Mission (BAM)
Disaster relief work
Sustainable solutions
ACTION's Story
Our Ministry and People
ACTION believes that, in partnership with local churches, we must proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we minister to overlooked and unreached social and cultural groups, especially children in crisis, urban poor, and untrained or undertrained pastors. Our ministry is characterized by praying, doing research, planning, networking, helping, witnessing, disciple-making, and doing good deeds.