Action International Ministries (ACTION) is a Section 501 (c)(3) organization in the USA. ACTION is without financial guarantees or endowments from any organization. The mission and ministry is a faith work, supported by the prayers and financial gifts of churches and individuals.
All workers, whether overseas or in the home offices, trust the Lord for their financial support and ministry funds. Budgets are set by the mission, however ACTION is not responsible to raise the financial support of individual workers.
General Financial Information
Financial gifts for field workers support must be made payable to Action International Ministries with a notation telling how the gift is to be used.
Financial gifts can be given online by check or credit/debit card, or a check can be mailed to an ACTION office here.
Donations of assets, stocks, or through your financial institution or adviser can be done over the phone by calling one of our offices here.
All gifts for workers and ministry projects are receipted. Such receipts are valid in the USA and Canada for tax purposes. An acknowledgment, not valid for tax purposes, is sent for personal gifts, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or Christmas gifts.
All gifts received for a project or the support of a worker are used as designated.
An administration fee is assessed on all donations to the mission in order to fund operation of the USA Office and International Office. For regular support and ministry contributions, it is between 10% and 13%, depending on whether the field administration also requests a percentage, which is capped at 3%. For example, the USA office receives 9.75% and the International Office .25% of this fee.
For the USA Office, on approved special projects, the fee remains the same for gifts under $5,000. However, on donations of $5,000 or more, the fee is reduced to 5%.
In Canada, special projects are usually levied at 8%. In the United Kingdom, 11% is charged on project donations under £250, and 5% on gifts of £250 or more. When a project’s financial target is met or the project has ended, any remaining funds, or future donations designated to that project, will be used for similar projects or needs at the discretion ACTION Canada.
Our Financial Department staff are happy to provide the precise percentages of the deduction for each individual situation to any donor upon request. ACTION Financial Reports and audits are also available upon request.
Control of Funds
Finances are controlled by the ACTION Board of Directors in each country. While funds may be raised and received by an individual worker or representative of ACTION, legal control of funds remains with the Board of Directors.
Financial Policy
ACTION requires financial accountability and follows established Evangelical Foreign Missions Association (EFMA) financial guidelines:
- The member organization shall undergo an annual audit by an accounting firm or a certified public accountant performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accounting principles.
- Audited financial statements shall be available upon request.
- All programs and activities of the organization shall be consistent with their stated purposes and objectives, and donated funds shall be applied for the purposes for which they are raised. The organization shall demonstrate that an adequate percentage of its funds is being applied to programs and ministries.
- The organization shall carry on its business with the highest standards of integrity and avoid conflict of interest.
ACTION USA is a member of the ECFA and Guidestar Exchange, which are dedicated to transparency for non-profit organizations. Our financial reports can be found on both of their websites.
ACTION has associate membership with:
- Christian Leadership Alliance
- The Evangelical Alliance (EA) in the UK
- World Missions Alliance (WMA)
- Canadian Council of Christian Charities