Dr. Wayne & Oi-Wah Whitbourne

Wayne, a Jamaican, moved to Canada in 1974 to study in Edmonton. After university he worked for two years before God laid it on his heart to go to Bible college and seminary. He served as the English pastor at the Edmonton Chinese Christian church prior to going to the field in 1986. Oi-Wah was born in Hong Kong and came to Canada 1975. In that summer she became a Christian. After graduating from college and working for two years, the Lord gave her a burden for missions. She went to Prairie Bible College in 1982 where she met and later married Wayne. They have two children.
Wayne and Oi-Wah worked in Manila as part of a church planting team among the East Indian community. Nine years later, after the church was established, the Lord opened the door for them to go to India. While in India they were seconded to the Emmanuel Hospital Association. Wayne’s role was to coordinate the spiritual ministries of this organization. Oi-Wah worked among the women in the community. After four and a half years they returned to Canada. Oi-Wah who holds an M.A. in counseling is developing a ministry to women, especially East Indians, in Calgary. Wayne is the Director of ACTION’s Canada office.
Oi-Wah always wanted to learn more about counselling. In 2000, the door was opened for her, and she attended Providence Theological Seminary. She spent two years in Manitoba and graduated in 2002 with an M.A. in Counselling. In the meantime, Wayne was asked to be the Canada Director. So, they moved to Calgary that summer and have lived here ever since. As the mission expands, Wayne was in need of someone to do member care for the Canadian missionaries. Oi-Wah joined that capacity in May 2013. It has been a wonderful experience for her.
Wayne and Oi-Wah worked in Manila as part of a church planting team among the East Indian community. Nine years later, after the church was established, the Lord opened the door for them to go to India. While in India they were seconded to the Emmanuel Hospital Association. Wayne’s role was to coordinate the spiritual ministries of this organization. Oi-Wah worked among the women in the community. After four and a half years they returned to Canada. Oi-Wah who holds an M.A. in counseling is developing a ministry to women, especially East Indians, in Calgary. Wayne is the Director of ACTION’s Canada office.
Oi-Wah always wanted to learn more about counselling. In 2000, the door was opened for her, and she attended Providence Theological Seminary. She spent two years in Manitoba and graduated in 2002 with an M.A. in Counselling. In the meantime, Wayne was asked to be the Canada Director. So, they moved to Calgary that summer and have lived here ever since. As the mission expands, Wayne was in need of someone to do member care for the Canadian missionaries. Oi-Wah joined that capacity in May 2013. It has been a wonderful experience for her.