Jason & Agnes Zacharias

We are a couple who met in the Philippines in March 2019. We got married in September 2020. God brought our lives together and in the midst of Covid-19 allowed for us to get married in Germany. If you ever wish to hear more of our story please subscribe for our newsletter on the side here or just send us a note. We love to share the full “God story” but not enough space here.
Jason is from a small town called Hay Lakes, Alberta, Canada. He is from a Mennonite background in Paraguay. After graduating from Prairie Colleges in April 2016, he followed the Lords calling to go do a three month internship in the Philippines with Adam Hussey. While there he received the call for full time missions in the Philippines. In January 2019 he moved there for full time ministry. His ministry, video ministry, is working alongside fellow ACTION missionaries and taking photos of big events and making videos used to share with supporters back home of what God is doing in their ministries there.
Agnes is from Bielefeld, Germany. She is from a Russian Mennonite background. In 2011 she joined the Logos Hope as a crew member. After the ship was docked in the Philippines for nine months she felt the call to come back to the Philippines. In the summer of 2015 she moved to the Philippines for full time ministry. Her ministry is working with other ministries and help them set up a proper library. She also does story time with the kids and other ministries like discipleship.
Would you prayerfully consider making a donation to the ministry the Lord has called us to? We are thankful for each and every one of you who supports us through both prayer and finances.
Check out Jason's photography and videography projects on his personal website, YouTube account, and on Instagram (links below, under "Connect")Check out their personal video logs (vlogs) listed below and their newsletters (link at top of page):
Vlog 1 - Home assignment in Canada
Vlog 2 - Winter Wonderland
Vlog 3 - Returning to the Philippines during a Pandemic
Vlog 4 - What we have been up to