John & Georgie Reed

John & Georgie were appointed as career missionaries in September 2008, to serve our team worldwide through member care ministries.
According to counselors at Missionary Training International, the stress cross-cultural workers live with on a daily basis is likened to the stress levels of an inner city policeman. Other missiologists say that the stress levels cross-cultural workers face are three times what lands the average American in the hospital. This stress has become “normal” for many global workers, however, it takes a huge toll on them physically, spiritually and emotionally! It can often play out in negative ways in their personal lives as well in their relationships within the family, and the ministry team. Add onto that, very real spiritual warfare!! Everyone needs, at some point, someone to “hear them out,” give biblical perspective, encouragement and PRAYER!
Briefly, the way we engage in MEMBER CARE at this time, involves coming alongside our global workers in a pastoral capacity at every stage of their ministry journey. We seek to build solid and safe friendships with our missionaries, visiting them on their fields, communicating via Skype and email, and hosting and debriefing them as much as possible when they return. We try to listen well so as to better understand their unique challenges, and keep the Word of God central to our counsel.