Nelson & Linda Reed

Multiply Disciple-makers with ACTION in Africa and elsewhere in the world! Come, mobilize disciples to help set free those in bondage and crisis! Some time between 30 to 33 AD, Jesus Christ called out, “Come, follow Me!” Further into His ministry He prioritized, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart. . . and your neighbor as yourself.” Before He arose into heaven He commissioned His disciples, “Make disciples of all nations!” These commands of Christ lay the foundation of our philosophy of missions ministry. Our passion and commitment is to serve the ACTION team in Africa and elsewhere in the world as God leads to help fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission of Jesus Christ. We envision within each generation Christ-glorifying, sustainable, community-impacting, multiplying churches. Churches and communities led by disciple-making, loving, adequately equipped pastors, leaders and mentors. Those who are sound in doctrine, ministering holistically among different people groups. Following Jesus’ example, the ACTION Team prioritizes ministering to children in crisis, least-reached, hidden and indigent peoples, in the communities where they live. In practical ministry terms, for Linda and me, our first priority is to help resource ACTION’s work that is on-going in Uganda and just beginning in Nigeria. We do this by promoting the ministries, raising funds, recruitment, training missionaries and pastors, and mobilizing personnel. We are also building networks of friends of Africa worldwide who will help grow regional teams committed to praying, advocacy, income generation, technical support, mobilizing missions in local churches, equipping missionaries, sponsoring children, hospitality and so forth. AFRICA NOW is the name of this networking initiative. Our intention is that all these ministries will be carried out in the context of our ministry philosophy – multiplying disciple-makers. Please partner with us in the fulfillment of this vision. Let us strive together to love, please, and glorify our Lord and Savior!