Rob & Catherine Taylor

The Taylors live near the ACTION USA office. Their ministry focuses on tech support from the USA office, translation and editing services, and children’s ministry. Rob and Catherine lead a puppet ministry at their local church. They enjoy teaching children biblical principles using hand puppets.
Catherine has a knack for editing and translating in English and Spanish. As a native bilingual Spanish and English speaker, she has translated other missionary newsletters into English from Spanish; translated and edited ACTION authored devotional books into Spanish; and edited an English version of a theology book prepared for use in Cambodia.
Rob is the USA IT Director. He has become a multifaceted computer technician. Not specializing in any one area, he handles questions from office staff, maintains the email systems, keeps the network equipment running, implements upgrades to the computer systems, and supports the missionaries abroad remotely. He is also available to travel to the missionaries on the field and help in person if needed.
Please join Rob and Catherine in ministry with:
-Pray for more missions-minded techs to join as missionaries or volunteers to support the technical needs of ACTION.
-Donations of laptop and tablets less than 5 years old in working order.