Ishan & Sandhya Biswas

Ishan Biswas was born and raised in a Hindu family. He was an idol worshipper with his parents. During college, a missionary shared the Gospel with him. He understood that Jesus was the only way to heaven and that he is the Truth and Life. Only Jesus can forgive our sins. By faith, he accepted Jesus in his life in 1988. Ishan learned Christianity secretly and grew in Christ. He was persecuted from his family and village leaders in 1989. God saved his life from dangerous situations. After that, Ishan Biswas witnessed to his family and all village people. After one year in ministry, he planted a church in his village.
Ishan got married to Sandhya in 1998. After finish his university education, he joined Campus Crusade for Christ and served almost 15 years all over the Bangladesh making many disciples who are doing now God ministry in different parts of Bangladesh.
Ishan and Sandhya studied at IGSL seminary in the Philippines from 2004- 2007 where they met Nelson Reed and joined his small group which was connected with ACTION. Ishan's heart was passionate for church planting, and he left Campus Crusade in 2009 to start a church planting ministry. The Biswas' church name is Native Evangelical Church, which they started. Later on, God helped Ishan plant 7 churches, 15 small groups, and many new believers are growing in faith in Christ. In 2020, Ishan and Sandhya joined ACTION and are serving full-time in Bangladesh.
They ask that you consider praying for and supporting them and their work, so they we can plant more churches in Bangladesh and save souls for the kingdom of God.
"We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ" Col. 1:28, BSB.
Bangladesh is one of the largest Muslim countries in Asia, where 90% are the majority groups and the rest are Hindus, Buddhist, and Christians. The Biswas' have been ministring among the majority groups. Right now, there are 7 existing churches and 15 small groups growing in the community where many new believers from and M and H background attend.
In Bangladesh, floods and natural disasters cause people to lose their crops and assets. These people are among the poorest of the poor. Other problems Bangladesh faces are lack of education, illiteracy, ill health, malnutrition, unemployment, lack of capital for land, lack of awareness, diseases, low income, no access to modern facilities, lack of treatment facilities, and oppression of women, etc. We are working on a project that focuses on capacity-building of the poor women, children, and youth who are disadvantaged socially, economically, and spiritually.
Ishan and Sandhya's passion is evangelism, discipleship, and community development activities, such as caring for the needy and hungry and helping the helpless and hopeless women and youth to overcome poverty and be able to support their families. Moreover, their project seeks to assist these women and other vulnerable people to improve their livelihood through offering vocational, computer, and small business training and providing holistic development in the name of Jesus Christ.