Peyton Hasse
Hey y’all! I’m SO excited to say that I will be heading to Bogotá this Summer to serve the people of Colombia and carry on the Great Commission. It felt like just yesterday when I was getting back from another mission trip with ACTION (summer 2023) & was ready to immediately go somewhere else, so I can’t believe it’s already been almost a year!!!
Currently, I get to steward my time as a nurse in the pediatric ICU at Children’s Medical Center. Going on two years of working there, I have seen the Lord immensely grow me through tiring days, difficult conversations, & unique circumstances. In the midst of this, He has also helped me to see the great beauty it is to care for kids & their families during such a vulnerable time. I get to meet them right where they’re at, use the gifts & knowledge the Lord has given me, & be the hands & feet of Jesus one shift after the next. Just as this area of service is such a privilege, so is this trip to Colombia. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Lord will use me this summer & the opportunities He will present to serve Him internationally. I’m expectant for the Lord to do immeasurably more than I could ever imagine!
To prepare for this trip, I need to raise $1,780. I eagerly want y’all to join alongside me as we walk through this together. The Lord has beautifully designed us to do life with others & what a sweet opportunity this is for just that. I would be very grateful if you considered donating to the trip costs. Along with finances, prayer is another way in which you can support me. As I prepare for this trip, pray that the Lord would refine me, start working on the hearts of those in Colombia before we even get there, and that ultimately I would trust in His leadership & provision! Thank you in advance for your support, whether in prayer or financially. I am so grateful for your willingness to “go” with me. Thank you for choosing to carry me faithfully as I answer God’s call on my life!