Robert & Jessie Feliciano

The Felicianos first met at a camping ministry in 2015 while Jessie was in the Philippines on a short-term trip. They got married in June 2022. There is so much that God did in that “in between” time, but it is too long to write here due to limited space. They would love to talk with you more, if you have questions about how God brought them together.
Jessie was born and raised in a small community located in Western Pennsylvania and attended a Grace Brethren Church. Although she attended church her entire life, the Lord rescued her from her sins in 2012. There were many things about the community that she grew up in and things that happened throughout her life that she did not understand at the time, but throughout time she has seen God’s sovereignty and how He truly does allow situations to happen so that He is glorified. Jessie completed an internship at a church in Metro Manila, Philippines for her college degree in 2016. It was during that time that God began to show her the need for the Gospel in the Philippines. As she prayed about where the Lord would lead her after graduation, she began searching on Google and found ACTION. Jessie officially joined ACTION in 2018 but did not move to the field until February 2022. Again, she was reminded of the truth that God is above all things, including the timeline of her moving. Since moving to the Philippines, she has been serving at Brand New Day, a ministry reaching street children. She most recently served as a houseparent for a little over a year but is transitioning to community-based ministry in 2024.
Robert is from Caloocan, Philippines. Although Robert did not grow up attending church, a pastor reached out and ministered to him in his early adulthood. It was at that church in 2008 that God opened his eyes to the truth and saved him. Until that point, he had been living what is considered a “normal,” but ultimately, sinful life in the Philippines. After the Lord rescued him, he began volunteering 5 months a year at a Christian camp as a lights programer and leading devotions for the volunteers. Robert was then introduced to Brand New Day by Jessie in 2018. It was then that he was asked if he would be interested in volunteering at BND. In May 2019, he was asked to join BND as a full-time houseparent for the boys. Robert too has seen the sovereignty of the Lord as he has been able to connect with many of the boys’ life experiences. Through those conversations, he has been able to point them to Christ. Robert is currently studying full-time while volunteering at BND. His prayer is to continue studying at Bible school.
Since getting married, Robert and Jessie have been seeking the Lord and His desire for their lives in the Philippines. As they prayed and studied Scripture, the Lord began to show them the need for community-based ministry in the Philippines, specifically ministering to families. He has also been convicted them of the need for all things to be rooted in Scripture. Growing up, Jessie heard the Grace Brethren Church motto regularly, “The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible.” This, along with Paul’s writings in 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus about the importance of stewarding Scripture well, has become the conviction of the Felicianos.
Robert and Jessie will be stepping into a community-based ministry with Brand New Day in 2024. They will be given the opportunity to minister to the community scholars and their families by leading Bible studies as well as helping the social worker in any way that is needed regarding the scholar ministry. They will also be visiting multiple ministries around the Philippines. Although there is a huge need to minister to street children, Robert and Jessie have become burdened for their families. They do not know how the Lord will use this conviction and burden that they have, but they are thankful for where the Lord has them and are humbled by how He is allowing them to be used by Him. To God be all of the Glory!