Nikhil Sorkar
Rev. Nikhil Sorkar was born in a traditional Hindu family. His father accepted Christ in 1978 and sent him to a Christian boarding school to finish his high school in 1980. In his young age, he was hesitant to be a Christian, but in 1994, as a college student, God began to work in his heart. Even before fully understanding the Gospel and accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior, Nikhil sensed God's call to preach the Gospel among unreached people groups. And then, just one year later, while attending a Bible school in Dhaka in 1995, he gave his life to Christ. In February 1997, he got involved in full-time ministry in Bangladesh. God has used him faithfully and fruitfully the past 27 years, and he has planted more than 100 churches and worked as a pastor of those churches. He taught at a Bible college in Dhaka (2012-13) as an adjunct teacher and also worked as a TEE (Theological Education by Extension) tutor as a volunteer tutor under the Christian College of Theology Bangladesh for two years. God called him to receive more training, and he went to IGSL (International Graduate School of Leadership) in Manila, Philippines to pursue his higher degree. Rev. Nikhil Sorkar completed his M.DIV/Intercultural Studies in Cross Cultural Ministry in April 2017 and came back to Bangladesh in the same year, where he has been working among unreached people in Bangladesh. His focus is to reach out to the unreached people groups, serve needy and orphaned in Bangladesh by sharing the Gospel and providing different trainings to help them increase their financial income. Nikhil married Champa Rani Singh on June 21, 2000. His wife came from a Baptist Christian background family. Champa completed her Bachelor of Arts from National University, Bangladesh and worked with Christian Commission for Development of Bangladesh (CCDB) for 16 years successfully. She realized that God was calling her into full-time ministry with her husband and left her job in order to pursue her "Partners in Ministry" course from IGSL in Manila, Philippines to serve God alongside her husband. Her desire is to support her husband in the ministry by serving women and children. She wants to train the women how to be a good wives and mothers in their families and help them to mature spiritually.
God blessed Nikhil and Champa with a handsome son. Their son also part of their ministry and encourages young people to know Jesus Christ and invite them to join the church.
Mission We are committed to glorify God by reaching the unreached; equipping local leaders; caring for orphans and needy in urban and rural areas in order to plant new churches where there is no church or the Good News has not been preached in Bangladesh.
Our Vision We envision bringing transformation to the orphans and needy in Bangladesh by 2040, planting 50 self-supported churches that will care for lost souls and will engage them in sharing the love of Christ by doing social development work and training young people to generate their income to provide for their families. We are helping women to grow spiritually, because women in Bangladesh are always neglected and underprivileged. We are training local pastors, who do not have any theological trainings.
We are working among the young people to help them grow spiritually and physically. And we are leading Sunday Schools.Please pray for our family and ministry in Bangladesh.Pray for our training ministry.Pray for reaching the unreached people groups in Bangladesh.Pray for Sunday School and Youth ministry.Pray for women's ministry.