Paul Hughes

Paul serves ACTION as Executive Director in the UK. ACTION UK exists to serve friends and churches around the world to share the love, grace, certain hope, and truth of Jesus Christ.
Whilst in pastoral ministry (in Wrexham, Worcester, and Bournemouth), Paul served initially to lead short term teams out to those reaching the unreached in Eastern Europe. After a decade of historic partnerships (particularly in Ukraine to build transition houses and encourage pastors), God grew a larger network of missional pastors eager to serve the global co-mission of God. Praise God, this network continues to grow.
Core to ACTION (UK) ministry is our pastoral leadership development (PLD) team. As a group of experienced pastors, our role is to train, equip, and mobilise those who seek to reach the unreached with the gospel of Christ. The vast majority of pastors and gospel workers across the world have not received formal seminary education, and those who have often appreciate help in the issues of cross cultural application to unreached peoples, frontier ministry, and church planting. Encouraging UK church planters to take ACTION in reaching out to the unreached is very much a crucial part of this as we look to see fruitful churches at the heart of unreached communities.
Our growing educational and care sponsorship programs to street children and those from state care have become over-flowingly fruitful with a new generation of leaders and pastors now emerging from that program across the world. Praise God for the wonderful heritage and legacy ACTION has seen emerge in the last 46 years of global ministry.
At the heart of the gospel is God's priority for the poor. For our sakes, Christ (who was rich beyond understanding) became poor in order that, through his great poverty, we might become rich. Poverty in our world can be measured by different criteria and currencies. In a broken world, grace is priceless. It is our experience that God smiles on expressions of grace and the gospel of Christ to the most needy.
We have been honored to assist with a number of relief and aid programs and to share the gospel with those particularly in the disasters of war in Ukraine, floods in Pakistan, natural disasters in Philippines, and refugees in Afghanistan.
We’re so grateful to God and humbled by all he has done, is doing, and will continue to do to reach the unreached and marginalised.
- Mission is about people, not projects. We look to build up strong lifelong relational and missional engagement, for the sake of generational gospel advance of eternal fruit.
- We seek to train the next generation to be more fruitful in gospel advance than we have ever been.
- We long to see receiving nations becoming sending nations, frontier settlements becoming sending hubs, and for every people group to join in the praise of the one who is altogether worthy.
- Our Uk team serves the mission of God for his glory, however this is appropriate with UK churches and across the world.
- We build his kingdom, not ours. All is for his glory alone.
We would love you to come on that journey with us, whether in prayer, generosity, going, or encouraging. We look forward to serving his purposes with you.
“Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!” Psalm 67