Nepal: Internship
Where: Kathmandu, Nepal
With Whom: ACTION field worker Barnabas Khanal
When: Team trips or internships can be scheduled year-round with approval
Q&A with ACTION field worker Barnabas Khanal
1. What are some ministry tasks that you want the intern to accomplish while serving with you?
My consistent ministries include teaching and training, small group leadership development and infrastructural development such as church planting and sustainable ministry outreach. Interns or teams could come and lead seminars and l am also willing to place them in public primary schools where they would offer voluntary teaching. I would preferably invite interns or teams who can teach or do short-term training on music and worship, English or other languages, health, nutrition and sanitation. In the present context of Nepal a field worker can come to train, coach, mentor, and mobilize the local church!
Youth and Children's Ministry Opportunities for teams or interns
- Fellowship - Small or large group gatherings to encourage each other to grow in the Lord
- Discipleship - Bible studies and mentoring in one-on-one relationships
- Witnessing - In the marketplaces alongside my ministry leaders and with the local Christian Nepali youth
- Training - Working with local believers and teaching music and worship, evangelism and discipleship skills
- Teaching - The young children during children's church on Sundays
I firmly believe that the role of 21st century field workers is to support the local church's missions. So I would discourage an outsider roaming around the villages and marketplaces alone and sharing Gospel tracts to our people, rather I highly encourage them to concentrate in training, mentoring, equipping the local Native Christians.
2. What are some key lessons from your ministry and walk with the Lord that you want to impart to the interns to help them as they consider their own individual call to missions or vocational ministry?
- How to effectively do small group discipleship especially in a cross-cultural setting as well as house church planting
- The essential need to do missions and outreach to the most unreached peoples
- Community service and ministries of mercy serving the poorest of the poor
- Vocational training on entrepreneurship and livelihood for sustainable ministry work
3. Please list specific skills an intern may expect to develop by the time the internship is completed
- Time management and learning how to multi-task in a ministry setting
- Developing discipling skills in a cross-cultural context both one-on-one and in small groups
- Becoming compassionate in serving the poorest communities and sharing the Gospel with them