Philippines: Intern at Honest Hands Discipleship Home
Goal: Mentor youth in a 9-month discipleship program at Honest Hands Discipleship Home through academic-tutoring, sports, relationship-building, music, or however you might be gifted.
Q & A with ACTION missionaries Greg and Sarah Seiling
1. What are some ministry tasks that you want the intern to accomplish while serving with you?
Interns will have the opportunity to interact with and minister to youth from difficult life situations daily by being a part of the Honest Hands 9-month discipleship program. This can take place through simply spending time with the youth and developing relationships with them as they are at the Honest Hands Home from Monday to Friday. It will also take place in a more formal setting through sharing devotions and their testimony with the youth, teaching English lessons, and helping with one-on-one academic tutoring in English and math. Teaching how to play a musical instrument is another way to impact the lives of the youth.
Those who are interested in athletics can join daily activities, like early morning jogging and basketball. There is lots of room on our campus to teach other sports, like baseball, soccer, football, and Frisbee, among others. Those gifted administratively can help with recording data and filing, financial reporting, and other tasks. Anyone who enjoys working on the computer and social networking can help develop a website, post ministry updates, and keep ministry pages up-to-date. The intern can also serve the ministry through completing practical tasks such as house maintenance, painting, and helping with agriculture projects. They could also be involved in a small community church by serving in various ways they may be gifted and being involved with the youth.
2. What are some key lessons from your ministry and walk with the Lord that you want to impart to the interns to help them as they consider their own individual call to missions or vocational ministry?
Jesus first. When we try to do things our own way and carry life’s burdens or even the burdens of ministry, life gets messy and difficult. Dying to ourselves is not an easy task but one that our Lord requires (Matt. 16:24-26).
We need to live out Prov. 3:5-6. Time in the Word and prayer is vital to a healthy walk with the Lord and knowing his direction and calling. Fellowship with other believers is important for our growth and health as Christ-followers.
3. What criteria do you use to measure the effectiveness of an intern serving with you?
- Ability to connect on a personal level with the youth. Being a friend yet gaining the respect of the youth
- Ability to not only adapt to the culture but appreciate and even enjoy the different cultural experiences
- Sense the Lord’s calling on their own life after their internship
- Gain an appreciation for missions and the need for intercultural partnerships in sharing the Gospel. Also, involvement in long-term missions through prayer, giving or going
4. What would a typical day look like?
The intern would join the youth jogging, for devotions, and a game of basketball early morning. After breakfast, a tutorial lesson could be taught or they could give one-on-one tutoring. During the Bible session time, the intern could have their own personal Bible study, prepare teaching lessons or devotions, be involved in a maintenance project, or help with computer/administrative needs. Then, the intern can join the group for lunch. In the afternoon, the academic session or tutoring would continue. After that, helping with the housecleaning or gardening project is a great way to get to know the guys. After that, it is time for basketball and free-time. In the evening after supper, the intern would have an opportunity to share a devotion. A good night’s sleep is in order after all of this.
5. Please list specific skills an intern may expect to develop by the time the internship is completed.
- The intern will learn to lean on the Lord for strength and comfort as they are far from their family and comforts they are used to.
- Learning to communicate with Filipino youth who understand basic English can be challenging but often ends up being a lot of fun for both the expat and our youth.
- The intern will learn to be patient living in a place with a high population density, which means long lines and traffic.
- The intern will also learn how to use different modes of transportation.