Philippines: Working Hands Discipleship Internship
Goal: Use your trade skills to build relationships with young men, encouraging them to grow in their faith while training them in a vocational skill.
Q & A with ACTION missionary Gary Root
1. What are some ministry tasks that you want the intern to accomplish while serving with you?
This depends on the skills and training of the intern and the timing of the internship. The primary objectives are to build relationships with Working Hands students and to work with the staff and missionaries in encouraging students to grow in their faith and train them in a vocational skill. The vocational skills we teach are wood technology, automotive mechanics, welding, and computer technology. Interns with skills in these areas would help us train our students.
2. What are some key lessons from your ministry and walk with the Lord that you want to impart to the interns to help them as they consider their own individual call to missions or vocational ministry?
Jesus said that, in order to bear fruit, we must remain in the Vine, connected to Him (John 15). Apart from Him, we can do nothing. Regular time in God’s Word and in prayer is essential for our own growth and to have a fruitful ministry.
Serving cross culturally can be rewarding, fulfilling, and exhilarating. There is also an intensity about it that often brings confusion, disorientation, frustration, relationship problems, exhaustion, and illness. Be well-grounded in the Word of God, have an attitude of a learner and a servant. Have a good sense of humor and don’t be easily offended. Never lose the vision God gives you but learn patience and perseverance and allow God to produce the fruit of the Spirit in your life to make you useful for His Kingdom. Obey Him and trust Him always.
3. What criteria do you use to measure the effectiveness of an intern serving with you?
- Character: Is the intern growing in godliness and humility demonstrated by some of the following attributes: self-discipline; responsibility, ability to take criticism, servant attitude, and teachability?
- Communication and relationship skills: Does the intern get along well with others? Does he demonstrate an appreciation for and sensitivity to Philippine culture? Is he eager to learn some Tagalog? Is he open to different ways of doing things? Is he tactful and non-judgmental? Is he an encourager and thoughtful of others?
- Skill and Knowledge: Is the intern growing in his knowledge of the Bible and is he developing skills and knowledge that can be passed on to young men to help them earn money and support their families?
4. What would a typical day look like?
This depends on the skill and the interest of the intern and the program needs at the time, but it would definitely include shadowing students through part of their daily activities. Lunches and suppers would generally be with the students in the student dining hall. Interns would assist in the morning worship and devotions, in discipleship class, vocational training class, and community service. All activities would be under the guidance and direction of staff and missionaries. Physical training, basketball, ping-pong, and other sports are a big part of student life. The interns would not likely sleep in the dorm but in a separate room to allow time alone to prepare lessons and process what they are learning. In general, interns make their own breakfast and are responsible for their meals on weekends.
5. Please list specific skills an intern may expect to develop by the time the internship is completed.
He would develop a greater understanding of the nature of poverty by developing close relationships with young men who come from poor urban families and by visiting a student’s home and attending their church. He would learn some basic Tagalog phrases and learn about Filipino culture. He would be able to observe missionaries and staff and be involved with them in sharing the Word of God and extending hope and dignity to young men through teaching the Truth, through worship and through character development and vocational training. Interns can expect to be stretched and tested in their faith and learn about areas in their lives that need refining.
This opportunity is an internship that would typically be for a minimum of two months and could be up to six months.
Contact a member of our Mobilization Team for more info.