USA: Mobilization Internship
Q & A with the Mobilization Team:
1. What are some ministry tasks that you want the intern to accomplish while serving with you?
While serving with our Mobilization Team, you will attend our mobilization meetings twice a month, possibly attend recruiting events at colleges or churches, join interview and coaching calls with our short term team as we work with candidates, and also attend calls with our long-term workers to hear about their needs and how we can serve them.
2. What are some key lessons from your ministry and walk with the Lord that you want to impart to the interns to help them as they consider their own individual call to missions or vocational ministry?
We believe that mobilization is the role in the Great Commission that is associated with sending workers out into the world.
"For 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard of him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the scriptures say, "How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!" - Romans 10:13-15, NLT
Mobilizing the local church for global involvement is a key role in the Great Commission. We mobilize short-term and long-term workers to serve in 36 countries worldwide. Our short-term team exists to support and meet short-term needs for our long-term workers. We recruit interns to fill these needs.
3. What would a typical week look like?
A typical week would include about 10 hours of work. This would involve 2-4 meetings with potential overseas interns or long-term workers as well as some email responses and calendar coordination. Interns would also have a once a week discipleship meeting with a mobilization coach. Depending on the intern's schedule, there would be the opportunity to join ACTION's chapel calls once a week on Wednesdays.
4. Please list specific skills an intern may expect to develop by the time the internship is completed.
A fuller understanding of the Great Commission, skills to mobilize, spiritual development, mentorship from a full-time mobilizer, a deeper understanding of God's heart for the nations, and hearing often about God at work in every corner of the world