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Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of our short-term and long-term ministry and field worker needs below.

Have a ministry calling, idea, or avenue? Looking for a sending agency? Please contact our mobilization department to explore it with them!
ACTION Cambodia is looking for committed Christians to join their team as full-time missionaries to train local pastors.
Vocational Instructors are needed to train and prepare young men and women from poor families of Metro Manila, and nearby provinces, to live for...
Project: Pag-asa, a school in the Philippines, is looking for someone to join their team to teach, educate and lead students from local children's...
PLD field workers travel several times a year for 2.3 weeks at a time to conduct Scripture-saturated, Christ-exalting seminars with hundreds of...
Interact with a refugee resettlement community to learn language and culture and discern a community's needs through incarnation living
Church Planting Missionaries will carry out grassroots church planting among the poor under local churches for the establishment of a growing...
Help a young Brazilian family serving in Angola to reach their community for Christ by joining them in outreach and supporting their family in...
ACTION Colombia is looking for people to join their team as full-time missionaries in the area of family ministry
ACTION Cambodia is looking for committed Christians to join their team as full-time missionaries to live and share Christ with the urban poor while...
Gain exposure to global missions and learn about the needs of neglected children, especially their educational needs
Explore international missions life while living and serving with a missionary (for women only)