ACTION Ventures: Bridge Arts Internship
- Sept-Oct – Training in Calgary, AB, Canada
- Nov – Serving in North America
- Dec-Feb – Serving in Uganda
- Mar-Apr – Serving in the UK
- May-June (first week) – Serving in North America
Ministry Focus:
This arts internship is meant for individuals or groups of individuals who want to grow in their area of gifting. It is our passion at AV to use the arts and help you discover, develop and maximize your gift for God’s glory. We typically provide training in spiritual formation, music, drama, art, illusions, dance, telling your story, puppetry, preaching, reaching the urban poor and just about anything that you can offer! You will work with gifted local Christian nationals and missionaries with years of experience in various forms of urban arts evangelism.
In Uganda, you will be working with ACTION International ministries, Healing Springs Churches and Shepherds Heart Ministries performing and sharing the Gospel in community performances. The result of this is often that souls are won, disciples are made and churches are planted. Other opportunities include presenting the Gospel and praying for people in hospitals and soccer fields. Also, there will be conferences for training and discipling Christian families.
In the UK, you will be working with Cornerstone Churches to present the Gospel to kids, youth, the homeless and immigrants through the arts as a tool to build Kingdom relationships. Our goal is to listen well, serve and present the Gospel in relevant and real ways