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Understanding the Remaining Mission Task

Understanding the Remaining Mission Task

“ …thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, ‘Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.” Romans 15:20-21

We’re excited about what God continues to do through ACTION worldwide! We believe the Holy Spirit has moved us to labor in every field in which we currently have workers. His good Providence has positioned us to seek new work among the most spiritually needy people. We are committed to passionately living out the Great Commission, especially in those places and among people without a Gospel witness.

There are 2 billion people worldwide who have never heard the Gospel! The 10/40 Window (see picture above) is home to some of the largest unreached people groups in the world! They don’t know a Christian, nor will they ever come into contact with a follower of Jesus who speaks their language. The Joshua Project has identified them as Frontier People Groups (less than 0.10% of the population are followers of Jesus). ACTION has embraced Christ’s model to proclaim the Gospel and meet the needs of the people He brings to us (hardly a shocking job description for all of us as Gospel workers). But we recognize our limitations and have banded together to pray for workers to be sent into the world from ANY NATION TO ALL NATIONS, mainly to be deployed in hard places, among the poor, where the Gospel is unknown.

How can we participate together?

PRAY – Would you consider praying Matthew 9:38 daily? Pray specifically for those who live in places with no Gospel witness. Ask the Lord to send workers to hard places for the proclamation of the Gospel.

GIVE – We have a Frontier People Fund to which you can contribute directly or perhaps you’d consider joining our support team. Going to hard places (where Frontier People live) is an expensive venture, perhaps you’d consider giving airlines miles and/or contributing specifically for travel cost?

GO – Perhaps the Holy Spirit is moving you and your local church to pioneer a new work (or join an existing work) among a Frontier People? We love new workers and believe the local church is the primary means to mobilize for the Great Commission! If you and your local church would like to know more about how we can partner together let’s talk (click here)!