Ron Homenuke

Ron's newsletters found here.
Sold out to Jesus! A servant to street and dysfunctional children of the Philippines. In 2015, Ron marked his 30th year as a missionary and is only now shifting into high gear. Battling a brain-stem injury, broken back, broken jaw, torn knee ligaments (three times), typhoid, hepatitis, dengue fever, chikungunya (the latter two both caused by mosquito bites), then in 2016, a near tragedy with burst appendix, the joy of the Lord is his strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
Sold out to Jesus! A servant to street and dysfunctional children of the Philippines. In 2015, Ron marked his 30th year as a missionary and is only now shifting into high gear. Battling a brain-stem injury, broken back, broken jaw, torn knee ligaments (three times), typhoid, hepatitis, dengue fever, chikungunya (the latter two both caused by mosquito bites), then in 2016, a near tragedy with burst appendix, the joy of the Lord is his strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
Serving under ACTION INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES since 1985, four years at Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta laid the foundation for his missionary service. He is currently the Coordinator of Lifehouse Village Center, in its 9th year of housing and discipling dysfunctional children (ages 10-16 years old), having 13 at the Center with two graduates now going to college.
Lifehouse’s 2nd ministry, called Tipo Farm (3.1 hectares) is about a 30-min drive from the Center. Our two tilapia fish ponds are in full production, as we enjoy feeds 3/x year. In 2017, we added chickens, both layers and scratchers, and we have ongoing projects, which include a goat pen for over 20 goats, a fence around our property, a retaining wall for our new Boy's Dorm, then the Dorm (we plan, as soon as enough money comes in, to build and transfer the boys there), to build a basketball/volleyball covered court and bleachers, and growing a huge garden. Two of our Tipo workers (lodging on the property) are growing many varieties of vegetables to see what grows best. (Already, we at the Center have enjoyed many feeds from their garden).