Gene and Jane Casel
Our call and ministry
We were called to full-time ministry in our younger years but never got there. But God, in His divine mercy, continued to draw us toward His original call and we realized we needed to respond with obedience. A new assignment from the Lord is how we explained to family members and friends that we will be missionaries to the Philippines with ACTION. It will be a big change but we look forward to this journey that the Lord is taking us.
A visit to ACTION sites in the Philippines helped us envision our future ministry there. Our mission is to reach at-risk children and youth, equip leaders, and help transform lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our ministry vision is to develop and support sustainable ministries in evangelism, discipleship and development to at-risk children and youth, in partnership with local churches. At-risk children and youth include those who are homeless and from poor communities. A great need exists for ministry to these kids who face constant risks because of poverty.
Your invitation
We invite you to partner with us in this ministry through prayer and financial support! Continual prayer is foundational in our preparation to go and for the work in the Philippines. We cannot do this work without the prayers of God’s people! We also need people to financially invest in God’s work through us in this ministry. The support through monthly giving will enable us to focus solely on ministry. We would be honored to have you as ministry partners! Please feel free to contact us.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14 (NIV)