Kevin MembreƱo

God saved me when I was eight years old. My parents have served in the Lord's work since I was five, but it was not until I was eight that the Holy Spirit opened my heart and eyes to believe in the precious gospel of Jesus Christ. God also put in my heart the desire to serve him. He used the example of my dad going to different local communities to preach the Gospel and to various missionary groups that came from the US to give me a burden for the church and for unreached people.
In my 20s, God gave me the opportunity to prepare for ministry at the Rio Grande Biblical Seminary in Texas, where after four years I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies and an Emphasis in Missions. During my time in seminary, I served in the Church Planting Ministry in the Rio Grande Valley. God used that time to show me the need for healthy churches and trained leaders who preach the Gospel of Christ for the glory of God in Latin America and especially in my city and surrounding areas. At the end of 2020 God gave me the desire to return to my country to work in church planting ministry and to train church pastors and leaders in Honduras and Latin America.