Amanda Reynolds

Amanda began working with ACTION in 2021 as the Short-term Coordinator for Women. She currently serves with ACTION in Colorado Springs, focusing on growth and development of the Great Commission. She assists the International Short-term Coordinator with the Short-term Teams and Internship Program.
In her role, she facilitates the participation of individuals, churches, schools, Christian nonprofits, and other groups in global missions. She connects field missionaries with people who are interested in serving as an intern or on a short-term team on one of ACTION’s fields. Coaching, mentoring and discipling short-termers as they prepare for their time of service, while they serve on the field, and debriefing following their service are parts of her role as well.
Amanda represents ACTION at local colleges and churches seeking to mobilize people for short-term or long-term service. She hopes to serve overseas yearly. Her passion is to see the world, every tribe, nation, and tongue, hear and believe the saving message of the Gospel (Colossians 1:6). Her heartbeat behind her job is to seek people out and pray to the Lord, who is in charge of the harvest, to send more workers into his fields. (Matthew 9:38).