ACTION field workers in Nepal are involved in ministries of discipleship, mentoring, training church leaders, church planting, and teaching.
Nepal Country Profile
Population: 29.3 Million
Capital City: Kathmandu
Languages: Nepalese, Hindi, Tibetan, English.
Religions: Hinduism (Official) 81%, Buddhism 9 %, Islam 4%,
Kirant 3%, Christian 1.4%, Other 1.6%
Area: 147,181 SQ KM
Government: Republic with a multi-party system
Head of State: President
Currency: Nepalese Rupees (Rs)
Poverty: Nepal is the poorest country in South Asia with 25% (6.6
million) of the population living below the national poverty line of
Rs 32.88 per day per person. ($0.29 USD)