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Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of our short-term and long-term ministry and field worker needs below.

Have a ministry calling, idea, or avenue? Looking for a sending agency? Please contact our mobilization department to explore it with them!
Short-term missionaries are needed in Bogotá, Colombia, to work alongside a veteran missionary to minister to children at risk and the urban and...
ACTION Colombia is looking for people to join their team as full-time missionaries to minister to children and youth.
Street Children Workers in Brazil will promote the personal, spiritual, educational and social development of children that live on the street and...
Interns would come work alongside a missionary to minister to children at risk and the urban and rural poor through street evangelism.
ACTION Colombia is looking for someone to join their team as a full-time missionary to coordinate pastoral training ministry.
ACTION Colombia is looking for someone to join their team as a full-time missionary to serve as Discipleship Instructor to train and equip pastors...
Do you have a desire, a passion, to serve the Lord in a cross-cultural environment overseas, over a longer time period, but don’t feel called to...
Explore international missions life while living and serving with a missionary (for women only)
Serve in Malawi alongside ACTION missionaries who are working with nationals facing extreme poverty, hunger, livelihood, health and education...
Interact with a refugee resettlement community to learn language and culture and discern a community's needs through incarnation living
Become a big brother or big sister in an underprivileged neighborhood in São Paulo, Brazil, as a missions intern.
Street Children Workers are needed to join ACTION's team as they seek to bring hope and restoration through Christ to street children and their...