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Field Update - Paraguay

Field Update - Paraguay

Paraguay Protects Families–which we helped start and lead in the past 7 years–is becoming a registered non-profit as a platform towards a nation-wide movement, meanwhile our team is growing... as is our reach! These months have been hard work, with exciting new commitments and massive progress.  The Discover youth base René is leading in Independencia, and the new Spanish church service that was started as a result of the youth work, is growing steadily too. While this community has been a target outreach field for 20+ years, towards German immigrants in challenging circumstances, it's been incredible to witness the sudden growth towards local paraguayan youth since René started leading DISCOVER base over 2 years ago.

The goal is simple yet complex: drawing in kids from non-Christian families (many in difficult situations) to a steady, safe and youth-friendly environment, sharing God's Word and heart in simple,  practical ways, and connecting with them individually, as a bridge towards the church. The past months have shown fruit not only in their lives, but those of their families, who slowly begin to attend the new Spanish congregation. René is now preparing a new leader for the youth. Seasons of change bring hope. They also bring fresh challenges. Most of all, they remind us that only our Creator and God of the Universe has control over the vast infinite details of life. "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven...a time to plant and a time to harvest." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2)