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Foundation in Christian Discipleship (FCD)

Foundation in Christian Discipleship (FCD)

FCD is the integration of the previous Working Hands and Honest Hands ministries in Second Mile. FCD combines intensive discipleship and vocational skill training for young adult men from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds. During this four-month intensive discipleship program, students study the Bible, are mentored, taught basic life skills, and trained in welding. The students are provided food and lodging during their stay on the campus on weekdays. They learn discipline and responsibility by living in a structured environment. They are also prepared to obtain TESDA certification for their welding skills. TESDA is the governing authority for technical skills and development in the country. FCD is a holistic discipleship ministry offering the students the spiritual foundation and a job skill that can lead to a transformed life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. For FCD Batch 1, eight students successfully completed the program.

Please pray that these young men would follow God's will and purpose for their lives.