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Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of our short-term and long-term ministry and field worker needs below.

Have a ministry calling, idea, or avenue? Looking for a sending agency? Please contact our mobilization department to explore it with them!
Do you have a desire, a passion, to serve the Lord in a cross-cultural environment overseas, over a longer time period, but don’t feel called to...
The Research and Network Specialist will install, secure, repair and maintain file database and web servers, ensuring data and network security,...
Working in Metro Manila, Philippines, the Relief and Development Coordinator will oversee various requests for relief and disaster assistance that...
Travel to Nepal as part of an ACTION TEAM or individual ACTION Intern and work with Barnabas, a Nepali national. The Lord saved Barnabas out of the...
Enabling ACTION members (missionaries) with technology to advance the Gospel and disciple believers
Street Children Workers in Brazil will promote the personal, spiritual, educational and social development of children that live on the street and...
Help a young Brazilian family serving in Angola to reach their community for Christ by joining them in outreach and supporting their family in...
Project: Pag-asa, a school in the Philippines, is looking for someone to join their team to teach, educate and lead students from local children's...
Urban Missionaries in Brazil will serve as staff in existing programs of ACTION Brazil for at-risk kids, teens and their families
To oversee and administrate a one year discipleship program for pastors, aspiring pastors, lay leaders, and women.
Use your videography and/or photography skills to assist ACTION field workers on the field to represent their ministry and discover what an...
ACTION Colombia is looking for people to join their team as full-time missionaries in the area of family ministry