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Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of our short-term and long-term ministry and field worker needs below.

Have a ministry calling, idea, or avenue? Looking for a sending agency? Please contact our mobilization department to explore it with them!
Work at KIDS Home alongside the Sisons and have a real impact in children's lives by sharing Christ and speaking Truth. Connect through sports,...
Serve in Malawi alongside ACTION missionaries who are working with nationals facing extreme poverty, hunger, livelihood, health and education...
Short-term missionaries are needed in Bogotá, Colombia, to work alongside a veteran missionary to minister to children at risk and the urban and...
Become a big brother or big sister in an underprivileged neighborhood in São Paulo, Brazil, as a missions intern.
The Administrative Assistant will provide administrative support for executive management in Brazil in the areas of computer and internet research...
Internship roles include: Interpreter, Administrative Assistant, Childcare Worker, Communications Intern, Immediate Caregiver, and Recreational...
Teach Bible school students, go on mission trips to different places in our city, participate in ministry to village children, share your testimony...
Travel to Nepal as part of an ACTION TEAM or individual ACTION Intern and work with Barnabas, a Nepali national. The Lord saved Barnabas out of the...
The Research and Network Specialist will install, secure, repair and maintain file database and web servers, ensuring data and network security,...
Provide dental care or oral hygiene to local Guatemalans, mostly children
Urban Missionaries in Brazil will serve as staff in existing programs of ACTION Brazil for at-risk kids, teens and their families
Use camp activities to bring Christ's love to children and youth; disciple camp volunteers