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Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of our short-term and long-term ministry and field worker needs below.

Have a ministry calling, idea, or avenue? Looking for a sending agency? Please contact our mobilization department to explore it with them!
Teach Bible school students, go on mission trips to different places in our city, participate in ministry to village children, share your testimony...
ACTION USA Interns will have a plethora of opportunities to work on valuable projects with several departments within the Seattle-based home office!
PLD field workers travel several times a year for 2.3 weeks at a time to conduct Scripture-saturated, Christ-exalting seminars with hundreds of...
Philippines: serve in medical missions at Shalom Birthing Clinic! In an area where only 25% of the poorest mothers receive maternity care, this...
Live and serve with a missionary team in a poor community of São Paulo, teaching kids during their out-of-school hours and loving them into the...
The Administrative Assistant will provide administrative support for executive management in Brazil in the areas of computer and internet research...
Midwives will share the gospel through ministering to poor people at Shalom Christian Birthing Home in Antipolo City, Philippines, specifically in...
Street Children Workers in Brazil will promote the personal, spiritual, educational and social development of children that live on the street and...
Working in Metro Manila, Philippines, the Relief and Development Coordinator will oversee various requests for relief and disaster assistance that...
Use your trade skills to help missionaries train young men in our discipleship and vocational training program (male only internship)
Street Children Workers are needed to join ACTION's team as they seek to bring hope and restoration through Christ to street children and their...
To oversee and administrate a one year discipleship program for pastors, aspiring pastors, lay leaders, and women.