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Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of our short-term and long-term ministry and field worker needs below.

Have a ministry calling, idea, or avenue? Looking for a sending agency? Please contact our mobilization department to explore it with them!
Provide dental care or oral hygiene to local Guatemalans, mostly children
ACTION Colombia is looking for people to join their team as full-time missionaries in the area of family ministry
ACTION Colombia is looking for someone to join their team as a full-time missionary to coordinate pastoral training ministry.
Use camp activities to bring Christ's love to children and youth; disciple camp volunteers
Partner with different local ministries as they are engaging poor communities and people at risk
The Member Care Coordinator will work with the HR Administrator in the processing and placement for service of new missionaries, missionary...
Seeking professional technicians at all skill levels and technical specialties to volunteer
Street Children Workers in Brazil will promote the personal, spiritual, educational and social development of children that live on the street and...
Enabling ACTION members (missionaries) with technology to advance the Gospel and disciple believers
Use your trade skills to help missionaries train young men in our discipleship and vocational training program (male only internship)
To oversee and administrate a one year discipleship program for pastors, aspiring pastors, lay leaders, and women.