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Ministry Opportunities

Explore some of our short-term and long-term ministry and field worker needs below.

Have a ministry calling, idea, or avenue? Looking for a sending agency? Please contact our mobilization department to explore it with them!
The Administrative Assistant will provide administrative support for executive management in Brazil in the areas of computer and internet research...
Vocational Instructors are needed to train and prepare young men and women from poor families of Metro Manila, and nearby provinces, to live for...
Project: Pag-asa, a school in the Philippines, is looking for someone to come and intern with their ministry.
ACTION is seeking qualified long-term workers (singles and families) to help with new ministry opportunities in the region. A passion and aptitude...
ACTION Colombia is looking for someone to join their team as a full-time missionary to coordinate pastoral training ministry.
Do you have a desire, a passion, to serve the Lord in a cross-cultural environment overseas, over a longer time period, but don’t feel called to...
The Short-Term Ministry Coordinator will assist the Human Resources Administrator in order to meet the needs for short-term missionaries,...
Seeking professional technicians at all skill levels and technical specialties to volunteer
ACTION Cambodia is looking for committed Christians to join their team as full-time missionaries to live and share Christ with the urban poor while...
Mentor youth in a 9-month discipleship program through academic-tutoring, sports, relationship-building, music, or other ways
ACTION Colombia is looking for people to join their team as full-time missionaries to minister to children and youth.